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Marketing is all about connections. Connecting the right message with the right audience, connecting your solution with their pain point, and connecting your business with the desired results.
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Digital marketing is any kind of marketing that is geared towards smartphones, laptops, tablets and basically any other device that is capable of connecting to Wi-Fi. Traditional marketing will focus on radio, TV, print and film, whereas when it comes to digital marketing we want to be thinking about apps, websites, blogs, social media, email and online content.
YES YES YES. You don’t have to replace your traditional marketing efforts with digital ones, but it is 2019 and if the word digital doesn’t come into your marketing strategy then your business will not thrive. It really is as simple as that.
Search Engine Optimisation is the practice of using on-page and off-page tweaks and tactics to ensure that your page ranks higher on search engines. An example of one of these tactics is making sure that this blog is a minimum of 1000 words because that’s what Google prefers. Read our blog
Keywords are the words and phrases that searchers use– usually on a search engine. These are the words that we use when looking for pages, images, videos, blogs, any kind of information or content on the web really. These keywords need to be strategically inserted into your pages and content.
Facebook? Aim for once a day and definitely no less than 3 times a week.
Instagram? Once or twice a day.
LinkedIn? At least twice a week and no more than once per day.
Twitter? This one is a bit more varied but generally anywhere from 3-30 tweets per day is good.
A brand is essentially the personality and identity of your business. It is what forms the first impression of your business for potential customers and encompasses how it looks and sounds. It is how the market identifies your business compared to your competitors and will hopefully make you stand out. Components of a brand can include:
- Name
- Logo
- Tagline
- Tone of voice
- Fonts & typography
- Symbols
- Features
- Colours
- Graphical element
- Niche
- Experience
- Or anything that identifies individual businesses’ product or service as unique or distinct
Branding is the process of creating a brand. It is important as it involves clearly positioning your company or product in the market, devising a brand strategy, possibly creating your name, defining your company’s tone of voice and designing corporate and/or product identity.
A successful brand pays attention to their market, will come up with new ways to keep the interest of their target market and are not afraid to innovate.
Apple does this really well through their innovative technology products and fulfilling customers’ needs over time. This can also be evident in the evolution of their brand – the Apple came from their initial logo with Isaac Newton and an Apple above his head. It evolved into an apple with a bite (or byte as Steve Jobs would say), followed by the different variations of the apple relevant to that specific time.
Do you think it’s possible to calculate the exact cost for website development? Website development will be fully customizable, tailoring to the client’s requirements. Nowadays, you can find many options to develop your website.
Let it be a ticket booking, online order, browsing, etc. people are keen to do these tasks on the go. So, developing a responsive website will help in increasing the look and feel of your website on both small and large devices. It also increases the number of visitors, rankings in search engines.
Yes, we ensure to develop a responsive website that would make your visitors appealing and deliver an optimized browsing experience.
You can approach us whenever you need our assistance. Our team can sort it out and bring your site back with its functionality. At ColorWhistle, we first look for the causes behind it and then check with all the technical configurations to provide the best solution for bringing back your website. We would also suggest you with regular maintenance services for your website as it would avoid descending the functionalities of your website.
Yes, you can keep updating your website once it is built, and we would also recommend the same. If you don’t keep your website updated with fresh content, there are possibilities to lose your online visibility in the search engines.